World VDS in the 2 best Corporate TV projects in Portugal
Last week it took place in Lisbon the 4th edition of the M&P (Meios & Publicidade) Communication Awards 2016which annually rewards the Best Communication Strategies at national level, as well as their actions and decisions that can make the difference for brands and companies to promote their notoriety and growth.
This latest edition featured more than a hundred entries from the most prestigious national companieswhich resulted in 15 honourable mentions and 14 awards.
In the Internal Communication category the following were distinguished two projects supported by World VDS's Amplitude Net Corporate Television technology.
The highlighted projects were the CTT television channelCTT TV, which can be viewed on screens throughout the CTT building, and EDP's Corporate TV and WEBTV channel known as EDP ON. EDP was also voted Company of the Year.
Since 2008, the EDP ON channel has been gaining great recognition not only nationally but also internationally with the winning of several excellence awards.