The most used social networks in Brazil and Portugal
Facebook leads the most used social networks in Brazil and Portugal. The Portuguese language is currently the 3rd most used language on this social network.
Based on data from February 2013, the positioning of the social networks in Brazil is this:
1st Facebook with an overwhelming 65% of market share. This value is 0.52% higher than in the previous month and 27.47% higher than in the same month of February last year, thus constituting an increase of 73.2% compared with the quota presented in the previous year. Currently users spend an average of 28 minutes on this social network.
2nd YouTube with 18% market share, up 1.53% from the previous year. 22 minutes and 51 seconds and the average time members spend on this social network.
3º Orkut with 3% of participation. In the same month of the previous year Orkut had a share of 28.17% and was in 2nd position. It should be noted that this social network, which led for several years in Brazil, was only overtaken in January 2012, i.e. just over a year ago. It is thus verified a vertiginous fall of this Google social network (launched in January 2004), so we are led to conclude that its end may be near. Given the great penetration that this social network had in the Brazilian market (in October 2011 about 60% of the social network members were from Brazil), in 2008 Google announced that the social network would become fully operational from this country. One of the factors that is contributing to this big drop is the attempt that Google is making for users to move their social network account from Orkut to Google+.
4º Ask.fmwith 2,52%
5th Twitterwith 1,91%
As far as Portugal is concerned, there is a change in the 3rd and 4th position, thus giving Orkut and Ask entry to Google+ (also in great decline in Brazil) and LinkedIn.
The most used social networks in Portugal are:
1st Facebook
2nd YouTube
3º Google+
3rd LinkedIn
4th Twitter
In another recent study published by Amplitude Net, the following were presented which are the most used social networks worldwide.
In the same study it was also addressed the fact of the relevance that the thematic social networks are having on the global social media landscape.
As these social networks are much more focused on the communities to which they are dedicated, they end up offering many more features that these niches value, compared to most popular social networks (and also more generalist).
The social ud121 solution that Amplitude Net owns, is precisely a complete solution oriented to se create social network niche on the internet.
Sources: Serasa Experian, Alexa, Wikipedia, Hitwise