Digital Signage at CTT - A Success Story

Launched in 2015, the CTT\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Corporate TV and Digital Signage channel soon became one of the greatest projects in Portugal due to the high number of locations and screens available in the organization.

The recognition of the quality of the Channel appeared in its very first year, through the awarding of a honorable mention within the Corporate Television area in the %M&P\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s annual Communication Awards% (Media & Advertising),

The implementation of the project by Amplitude Net, was carried out in a record time of 40 days with the use its digital signage and Corporate TV World VDS software.

Besides the software, Amplitude Net is also responsible for other services that complement the software, like:

  • Management and Monitoring of the entire Channel
  • Filming and content production
  • Equipment Maintenance

The channel of Corporate TV\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s channel and digital signage of CTT has 4 different broadcasts by the following places:

  • Shops
  • Bank
  • Logistics Processing Centers
  • Internal channel

In total, there are more than 500 TVs and LED panels, that give life to the project, being the main communication elements of the various channels presented below.

Internal Corporate TV Channel

The broadcast presented in the headquarter building, is divided into 4 main categories:

  • More News: Promotion of internal news.
  • More Life: Space where partnerships are highlighted and good practice advice is presented
  • More Eco: Heading dedicated to Sustainability and Ecology
  • More Culture: Information on culture, sports and internal CTT events

Using some key features of the World VDS software, subtitles and oracles (blocks that identify who is speaking) arre automatically overlayed to the channel’s videos, without being directly embedded in the original video. This feature allows a fast production and modification of the videos presented in the channel.

In complement, there is the day’s menu presentation to the employees at the canteen, and also the of use some widgets from the $World VDS software%, such as: Weather information, Stock Exchange and Transit..

Digital Signage Stores Channel

The broadcast presented in CTT stores has the following sections:

  • CTT Products and Services
  • Cross-Selling Product
  • Tickets on sale for Shows
  • Products from CTT's partners

An interconnection with CTT Queuing System is also part of the TV content, allowing CTT to communicate very effectively on the screens, as the clients are permanently looking at them, while are waiting for their ticket number is showed.

Digital Signage Bank Channel

This channel is essentially aimed at promoting the information on the Bank´s products such as information on the advantages associated with the Cards or their Credits.

The Boavista Bank in Porto, placed on its exterior an innovative LED screen Samsung, the 1st of its kind in Portugal. The 24-hour screen contains advanced features such as adapting its brightness to your surrounding light.

Logistics Processing Centers Channel

This channel is associated with approximately 40 screens in the Lisbon, Coimbra and Maia logistics centres, and the broadcast is focused on the presentation of the flows of the distribution routes on every door of the warehouse.

For this channel preparation, there was some automatic integration using WebServices, of the Corporate TV contents displayed, with the transport routes internal logistics system.

Testimonials about the Corporate TV project

"Since 2015, Amplitude Net has been our supplier for Corporate TV. The experience has been very positive, as the platform used has allowed this communication channel to evolve through the development of new contents and formats. Therefore, CTT's Corporate TV has gained growing notoriety and importance among the internal public, which is in line with our strategic goals. For us, a company that follows the evolution of times and has innovation as a fundamental value, it is very important to have suppliers that are up to our challenges and share our vision."

Elsa Duarte - Internal Communication and Content

"Amplitude Net has been a key partner in CTT's Internal Communication. CTT's Corporate TV is a project that allowed our company to win awards in the internal communication area, both nationally and internationally. The relationship with the Amplitude Net team could not be better. This team helps us on a daily basis to communicate with employees and challenges us to innovate both in form and content. In fact, the Amplitude Net team is an extension of CTT's internal communication team."

Adriana Eugénio - Internal Communication and Content