<18: 25%
18-24: 18%
35-34: 18%
35-44: 17%
45-54: 12%
55-64: 7%
65+: 3%
With children: 55%
No kids: 45%
* Sources: Alexa SiteInfo, Quantcast SiteInfo
The social media niche because they are much more focused on the communities to which they are dedicated, they end up offering many more features than the most popular social networks (for not having a main focus).
The solution ud121 social of Amplitude Net, is precisely a complete solution oriented to se xcreate social network of niches on the internet.
In the cinema sector, Amplitude Net was responsible for the website development as for example Pris (one of the most important film publishers in Portugal) and the Israeli cinema chain NLC ( New Lineo Cinemas ), operating in Portugal and Spain under the Cinema City brand (one of the leading cinema chains in Portugal, with about 30 screens in Lisbon and Leiria).
O website development was carried out by Amplitude Net using its e-commerce ud121 e-commerce .