This powerful and flexible platform, has as a great competitive advantage compared to other solutions on the market, the ability to provide companies to easily carry out differentiated communications with each of its users / customers, giving rise to as many different sites as there are users of the same site.
On each click, the system has the possibility to automatically readjust its contents to each user, according to:
Yours site behavior (contents, categories of contents you have viewed, ...);
Yours profile data (location, age, sex, ...);
Yours preferences (favorite content types indicated, if you want to receive newsletter, ...);
Yours activity history (days since last login, value or number of purchases made, whether you have already bought a certain product of a certain genre, ...).
Through the powerful CRM system platform the logic associated to the contents (products, news, campaigns, ...) to be presented in each zone of the website, can be easily refined through BackOffice, in order to make personalisation increasingly effective and valuable maximising the advantages of the One-to-One Marketing.