"O Meu Olá" shops adopt World VDS solution

A Amplitude Net was the entity responsible for the implementation of the digital signage solution of the Shops within the concept "My Hello"which is betting on the sale of Swirl, customer-made ice cream.


The project went through the implementation of the software World VDS and of 5 screens, in the format of a video wall 5X1The aim was to give the consumer a better perception of the new concept by explaining how the consumer can create the various ice-cream flavours.

Hello Brand Benefits with the implementation of the solution were:

  • Immediate pick up of the "My Hello" concept message;
  • Control of its Product Promotions;
  • Encourage the consumer's purchase decision at the Point of Sale;
  • Potentiate micro-marketing strategies at each point, specialising the promotion in each area;
  • Creation of an environment attractive and innovative.

This new concept is already implemented in the stores of the Shopping Centres Fórum Sintra, Centro Comercial Allegro, Aqua Portimão and Braga Parque.

Last March the brand opened a new shop in Chiado, the new space in Lisbon has 50 square metres and in relation to the Shops already set up it has two additional novelties video wall 6×1, with 6 screens with separate product information marketed and a 80" projection on the wall at the entrance of this space where the most relevant and historical advertisements of the brand throughout its 50 years of existence in Portugal.


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