Brazilian airports adopt World VDS digital signage technology

A Brazilian representation of Amplitude Net - World VDS Brazil - through its partner Adven Technology (a company integrating innovation solutions), implemented the installation of the digital media in the flight management system for the digital signage through videowalls located in lobbies of the Brazilian airports:

  • Congonhas (SP)
  • Confins (MG)
  • Pampulha (MG)
  • Palmas (TO)
  • Cuiabá (MT)
  • Campo Grande (MS)
  • Natal (RN)
  • Recife (PE)
  • Belém (PA)
  • Fortaleza (CE)

In total there were 47 videowalls installedThese are complemented by a local server that acts as a data hub at each airport and another central server located remotely.

The main benefit in adoption of digital media software was based on systemic flexibility and scalability which thus offered an optimisation of investment. As it is a robust software based on a hybrid system for cloud computing and also for client-server based solutions, its use is intuitive and independent of specific platform (besides being under constant development).

Infraero was already using solutions based on other digital signage/digital media platforms, but opted to adopt a hybrid model, given the prospect of the project expanding to new airports with the full adoption of the World VDS Digital Signage system in contrast to the current hybrid system.


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