New Corporate TV tool through Microsoft Teams

Human Resources Portugal published on the 25th of November 2021, an article about Amplitude Net's new Corporate Television tool - the World VDS Teams.

The following article presents the innovative and unique project, developed in response to the needs and requests of large and medium-sized companies that needed an instant and efficient communication with their teleworking collaborators.

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Do you have remote workers and don´t want to lose touch with them? There´s a new corporate TV tool via Microsoft Teams

Amplitude Net, the first Portuguese company to develop Digital Signage projects with its own software, has created a Corporate Television tool through Microsoft Teams - the World VDS Teams.

It is the answer to the needs and requests of large and medium-sized companies that needed instant and efficient communication with their teleworking employees. The pandemic has boosted this need, which is no longer a trend but a reality in the labour market.

César Areal, CEO of AmplitudeNet: "The World VDS Teams is an innovative and unique project, easily accessible in telework, as there is no other similar answer in the national and international markets. It is a precious resource in contact with employees, allowing an increase in the alignment of teams and promoting the integration of employees".

This Corporate Television channel is above all a support tool for marketing and communication of organisations, in a time of redefinitions in the sector, caused by the use of telework. The ease of implementation, through the Microsoft Teams platform, allows the company to contact the employee in any environment, whether at home, in the office or in any external service trip. It also enables scheduling for automated news and notification service.

The service can be purchased as a business, with no additional hardware costs, since the integration is done through Teams. It is aimed at companies which already work with this unified communication platform and want to extend the reach of internal communication. Among its valences are the sending of personalised messages to different departments, the facility of expanding the service to a Corporate TV channel in the screens of the company itself or the disclosure of the same through Teams in case it already exists.

Currently, the service is in full operation at Lipor, where its employees had the opportunity to test it previously. During this phase, it was found that 70% to 80% of the public accessed the app at least once a day, which demonstrates the high communication potential. Lipor currently has 220 employees and, according to the head of Communication and Sustainability, Nuno Barros, "the possibilities that the backoffice allows are enormous, which facilitates the management and planning of contents, allowing a more assertive communication".

With over 18 years of experience and present in the market since 2005, Amplitude Net is a company that presents complete solutions for Corporate Television and Digital Signage.


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