Launch of the Editora Saída de Emergência e-commerce site

A Emergency exit is currently a a major national publisherIt is the most prestigious in the field of fantastic literature.

In less than 10 years of existence, it already has more than 1000 publications, including the work of George R.R. Martin, which in 2011 gave rise to the famous HBO/BBC series "War of Thrones" (currently in its 2nd season) and the work of the queen of romantic literature, Nora Roberts.

Following the good strategies of marketing they have been practising and growing, they opted for the Amplitude Net for the site creation Onlinewhich unites the e-commerce component with social components that allow it to get closer and closer to its clients and fans.

The information customisation component of the Amplitude NetThe most relevant information is presented to each client in a differentiated way, and has also been adopted for the website developmentby several other companies in the book sector, such as Editorial Presença and the bookshop network of the publisher Civilização: Livrarias Leitura and Livrarias Bulhosa Books & Living.

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