Education, School and Social Networks

It took some time for thesocial mediaexceed thereserves for educatorsand begin to be seen as a valuable source ofnew chances. It is in this way that it is becoming increasingly present the use of the designation ofEducation2.0.

The proof of this is the fact thatseveral social networks dedicated solely to Education have already reached tens of millions of members(between teachers, students, parents and schools).

Like many other area-specific social networks, theEducation social networksfunction as a social network with characteristicssimilar to the most popular(Facebook, Google+, YouTube and Twitter), with the difference that they are gearedspecifically for Education.

Its main objective is to facilitate as much as possible communication and interaction between network members (teachers, pupils, parents and schools) in order to generate avirtual learning school environmentfull of pedagogical tools that help the development of Educational activities and tasks on the site itself.

In addition, members are given the opportunity to exchange experiences, and to promote contributions and information sharing with other members of theEducation social network.

Given the operating characteristics of these networks, they are alreadyvarious Education expertswho have already indicatedthis kind of social networks as the best optiontopedagogical use.

Given the time already spent and the successes demonstrated, how much longer will theministry of Educationof several countries, begin toadopt heavily these social networks for Educationin the variousvirtual schoolsin view of the many proven advantages.

They are presented belowseveral of the Education social networkswhich currently havegreater prominence in the Educational landscape.

  • Launched in September 2008,this social network ofEducationcurrently (June 2013) already hasmore than 20 million membersall over the world. Éfreeand is available in seven languages: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Greek and Dutch, with three types of accounts: teacher, student or parent/guardian. On the network, various activities are possible such as sharing material, organising discussion groups, managing calendars, giving grades or parents following the performance of students in various activities. The graphic aspect ofEdmodo Education networkis verybased on Facebookso that it becomes very easy to navigate and discover its potentialities.
  • Social network oftargeted Education onlyexclusively for teachers and students of thehigher Education.
  • Student-oriented solution of theprimary and secondary Educationwhere parents can follow the pedagogical development of their children.
  • Teamie ( Although the basic version is free, in order to use all the existing functionalities there is a monthly fee to be paid. It is possible for teachers and students to share messages, didactic material, texts, books and also to take quizzes or create discussion forums within the virtual choices.
  • Schoology: Social network founded at the end of 2009, which among several features allows you to create teaching content, develop activities and assign grades in virtual schools.
  • Sophia ( Very professional Educational social networkwith one more source ofacademic informationavailable free of charge.
  • Classroom 2.0 ( Although it is one of the oldest Education networks (it started at the beginning of 2007), its design is notable, which means that although there are members from more than 180 countries, there are only about 75,000 of them.
  • Another social network for Education that exists since 2010 but is not very significant

Complementary to the Education social networks presented above that are only available in English (with the exception of, there are currently the following networks created in Brazil and Portugal (and in Portuguese language).

  • Passei Direto ( Brazilian Education network oriented totertiary students.
  • Educopedia ( Collaborative online platform for digital classes, where students and teachers can access self-explanatory activities in a fun and practical way. Thelessons are created and reviewed by teachers from Rio de Janeiro's municipal school network.
  • Ebah ( Brazilian Education social network also as a target audiencetertiary students.
  • Portuguese social network for Educationwhich became free at the beginning of 2013 and has around 30,000 users and 2,000 virtual schools activated.

The social media nichebecause they are much more focused on the communities to which they are dedicated, they end up offering many more features than the most popular social networks (for not having a main focus).

The solution ud121 social of Amplitude Net, is acomplete solution oriented to se create social network of niches on the internet.

Other studies on social networks:

  • Advantages of social networks in sales: Surprising facts
  • Most popular movie social networks
  • Wine social networks (Wineries & Wine Cellars)
  • The most used social networks in Brazil and Portugal
  • What are the most popular social networks in the world?